Plastic surgery

Efekt operacji plastycznej w klinice chirurgii plastycznej w Warszawie

Experience in the two medical fields: facial plastic surgery and ENT, and head and neck surgery are key to selecting optimal treatment options, both conservative and surgical, to meet the patient’s aesthetic and functional needs.

During a facial plastic surgery consultation, the doctor not only examines the patient, but also has a conversation with the patient to learn about their expectations. Then, based on the medical history taken in this way, he/she presents options for their implementation, suggesting specific minimally invasive or surgical procedures.

During consultations, we also use digital imaging techniques with visualization for the patient or companions. The patient can therefore view the planned results of the procedure. We evaluate the result obtained together with the patient and determine the extent of the proposed changes. One should be aware, of course, that so-called virtual surgery is difficult to copy in reality, but determining the direction and extent of changes is very helpful to the surgeon performing the procedure.

We also make photo documentation on digital media.

Through plastic surgery, we treat the effects of conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve entrapment in Guyon’s canal and ulnar nerve groove, Dupuytren’s disease, de Quervain’s syndrome, gelatinous cysts and other nodular lesions of the hand, “snapping fingers” and the effects of benign neoplastic lesions of the face and exposed body parts.

We also provide preoperative, postoperative and follow-up consultations. They are performed by head and neck surgery specialists with years of clinical experience.

Rhinoplasty – correction of the appearance of the external nose
Otoplasty – correction of ears
Face lift
Removal of scars
Lip augmentation
Fitlipo program
Vaser Lipo